Saturday, July 26, 2008

Progression through intuition


The following are imagery thoughts on intuition of design

This design thing…. converting, translating, elevating, rotating... with intuition
3 dimensional form at first year, Victoria University

Without realising the big picture we have nothing without… intuition...
showing us how ‘unique’, cliche city

Places, people, exploration ...Internal and external through my eyes
stop rationalising the hell out of it.

Generating ideas out of nothing,
Inspire to develop... sparking progressions like checkers falling.
seeing ideas to!!

Looking at defined geometric shapes, instructional video clips,
multiple tetrahedrons out of manila
So simple yet so cool

All the above - ain't it mine ....intuition

Research: Relevant sites

Methods of Intuition Rational thought has a tendency to hinder intuition. If you can grab hold of it before the rational process begins, this intuition will be a great asset. Each individual has a unique way of realising intuition. The first glimmers of these personal intuitions, have to be held onto and not let the mind escape into rational thought. Follow the clearer path intuition leads. I liked the methods of realising your intuitive potential for bettering your design.

your-intuition-is-asking-you-to-hear-me i found is a good visional explanation blog that helps explain the conflict and resolution process to intuition.

Cool site 'Self Help' for people coming to grips with cultivating the intuitive side

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The blend of rational thought and intuition.

In thinking about a simple thing like crossing the road, we engage automatically.
Crossing the road starts with understanding, and a rational response. However over time the action becomes an intuitive behavour.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

intuitive process of singing

I love classical songs and will show you how I go through a 'now intuitive' process to achieve my passion in a short film

Friday, July 11, 2008

review cool collage by Jess, the seeemingly randomness of thought and imagery is kind of like my intuitive ideas. same kind of concept, the tetrahedrons being rigid and angular turning into an aspect of nature, a delicate flower as talked about on this site. Another aspect …..feeling right, Tom mentioned this is his blog.

I started out having no experience with composing blogs, vlog, and real life network.
Its great to show sides of my personality like the singing thing and my creative side.
Also looking at other students work in the pool of 112 was inspiring.